lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

A surprising piece of news!

Hi, today I want to talk about a piece of news happened yesterday, this is a surprising news. A Peruvian woman stole a two days new born baby from the "San Borja" hospital. Besides the kidnapping was surprising and shocking the fact that any woman or person can go in to the hospital, stay in for 2 hours and steal a baby without one person noticing that situation. Many people were involved in this piece of news, the woman who stole the baby, the baby and the mother and father of this baby. These persons are the protagonists of this event, but besides they are involved and are responsible for that, all the hospital staff. 
This piece of news affected to all my country, because was proof and shows one of the big fault in the public health system. A system with a very bad security system and a even more bad attention. 
I am very happy to have heard today in the morning what the little baby was find and the kidnapper is now under arrested. Outside this, I want like hear good news, without kidnapping, robbery, mainly without so many misfortunes. Too i want hear that the health system in Chile is a good system, specially the public system. I want hear that the public system have a good security, a good attention, a qualified personal, etc.

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